=============================================================================== = Select the .bsp files to see some of the prefabs in Quake. = = Select the .QLE files to see quick wireframe previews. = = Select the program INSTOBJS.EXE to copy this set of prefabs to your = = Qoole directory on the harddrive. = =============================================================================== INSTOBJS.EXE 40,960 Install this prefab library to your harddrive info\mantle.txt 1,231 Documentation Text File info\woodpile.txt 1,697 Documentation Text File preview0.bsp 95,052 PreCompiled Quake Map preview1.bsp 143,988 PreCompiled Quake Map FIREPLAC.QLE 7,628 Qoole Object File FIREPLCE.QLE 29,844 Qoole Object File MANTLE.QLE 35,373 Qoole Object File WOODPILE.QLE 28,958 Qoole Object File